Sunday 29 April 2012

Video Production Sessions part 1

For tutorial Four we put into groups and asked to make a short film (1 minute). It had to be based on one of the following topics Occupational Justice, Occupational Disruption, Occupational Transition and Occupational Deprivation.
The task sounded daunting as I had not being involved in film making or editing before but I love a challenge and learning new skills. My group consisted of Kate, Eliane and Shannon  (if you hold control and click their name you can visit their blog as well). As a group we decided to tackle Occupational Disruption this is viewed by Christansen and Townsend (2010) as a temporary condition of being restricted from participating in necessary or meaningful occupations, caused by illness, temporary relocation, or temporary unemployment.

Our group was eager to demonstrate the way an individual could be affected and we decided to show how an Occupational Therapist’s intervention could assist with recovery. The group decided to return to their much loved Barbie dolls, I am one of the few O.T guys so this did not sound like my kind of fun as my childhood involved bats, rugby balls and explosives (fire crackers), they pointed out that they needed a cameraman and that with dolls this meant our acting “kills” were not needed, I was sold. We had a lot of fun filming Barbie loves to dance, the film starts with Barbie dancing with her friends, she walks home only to be hit by a drunk driver, Ken, she loses a leg. After a short stint in hospital and intervention by the O.T she is back dancing. There was hysterical laughter from all, tears from Barbie and Shannon provided us with more laughter during the filming. The group work was a lot of fun and we produced a great movie that with Eliane’s editing skill deserves an award, or at least a minute of your time to watch.

Thank you to my group, I defiantly couldn’t have done it without you.

Christiansen, C. H., & Townsend, E. A. (2010). Introduction to occupation: the art and science of living (2nd ed.). New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education Inc


  1. Love the movie mate, great use of character's.
    I missed the movie producer's at the end; maybe it was I that was abit slow LOL

    1. Yeah, had great fun making the video we had a minute time limit and had to get all the credits in so that was the only way. My class mates blogs are great to you should have a look at them by using the links on my post.
