Thursday 26 April 2012

Occupational Engagement, Doing, Being, Becoming and Belonging.

Tomato growing

The following slides portray how the simple tomato can bring meaning to an individual, it can take place anywhere in the world by young and old. By taking part(doing) in this occupation of being a horticulturist, a person is able to become a provider, which will give them a sense of belonging, whether that be to their peers in the community or being able to enjoy their fruits of their labour with the family at dinner time. On my placement, I observed what gardening meant to clients, not only was it therapeutic but it was a time to relax and enjoy the company of others while working in the garden.

Tomato growing

View more PowerPoint from craig.emmott
Doing, being, belonging and becoming

Wilcock, 1998 said it would be impossible to envisage the world without the word “doing”. People are constantly engaged in doing activities, bringing them satisfaction, peace of mind and happiness (Kendal, 1998 as cited in Wilcock, 1998), this can be seen in figure two, three and four where the subject is using her time to do some plant maintenance. Being can be defined as time taken to reflect, discovering oneself appreciate nature, art or music in a contemplative manner and to enjoy being with special people (Hammel, 1998), this can be seen in figure seven .Without being able to do things it would be impossible to reflect on an activity or nature. Wilcock, 1998 suggested that doing provides mechanism for social interaction. Belonging, as shown in figure 9, a social network of social support can be strengthen the ability to do and can contribute to the pleasure and meaningfulness of doing (Hamel, 2004). Becoming described by Hamel, 2003 is the idea can envision future selves, explore new opportunities clearly seen in figure thirteen. Occupational therapists are in the business of helping people become by facilitating their talents and abilities not yet in full use enabling them to do and to be (Wilcock, 1998).

Ethical considerations

I retrieved quite a few images from online sources, I referenced all these images using apa 6th edition. This allows me to credit the sources that supplied me with image. Using apa style referencing allows people to return to the website where I retrieved the image, and find out more information.

For photos that I took myself I asked my subject whether she would be a willing participant in my photo shoot. I explained that the photos would be published on my blog for the world to see, I Made sure that she understood the implications of this and if she gave her consent.

 I used photos that my subject was not looking directly into the camera. I also made sure that the photo’s I did use was morally appropriate.


Click Manchester. (2012). Gardening group. Retrieved from

Eating Well. (2006). Tomatoes. Retrieved from

Garden designs. (n.d.). Achievement. Retrieved from (2011).Tomatoes on roof top. Retrieved from

Hammell, K.W. (2004). Dimensions of meaning in the occupations of daily life.  Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71 (5).  

Kendall, A. (1998). An exploration of change in occupation following early retirement: Jane’s early retirement, a case study. Unpublished master’s thesis. University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.

Panoramio. (n.d.). Mass harvesting. Retrieved from

Practical Environmentalist. (n.d.). Gardening on wheels. Retrieved from

The seep. (2011). Success. Retrieved from

University of Wisconsin Foundation. (2012). Tomato growers. Retrieved from

William Hackfor's Food Blog. (2012). Family. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2006). Tomatina. Retrieved from

Wilcock, A.A. (1998a).  Occupation for health.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 61, 340-345. 

Wilcock, A.A. (1998b).  Reflections on doing, being becoming.  Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, 248-256. 

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