Sunday 1 April 2012

Information Technology and Ethical Issues

This post is to look at the ethical considerations we have to reflect on when using Information Technology (IT) and especially specific programs on computers. These sites open our information for the world to see, so awareness on how to use the sites is paramount. This post will look at what IT is, where we use it, how comfortable I am using it. I will look back into my brief Occupational Therapy (OT) experiences on fieldwork and look at how, where and why IT was used, and what ethical considerations were looked at.
Information Technology defined by Collins dictionary is the production, storage, and communication of information using computers and microelectronics (Collins, 2008). In my understanding IT covers everything that humans can store electronic information on, use to communicate on and build so that they can make life a little easier for the rest of the world. For example we can store information on CDs, DVDs, Flash drives and memory cards. We communicate through telephones, mobile phones, E-mails, social networks, websites and web blog posts.

We as the human race are constantly striving to have smaller, lighter and faster ways of storing our information, retrieving information or communicating with each other. This youtube clip highlights how fast social media is moving and how it does or will impact us as a race.  
I personally feel confident with most products and programs. I enjoy new items (toys) to explore and use, I love the way IT makes my life quicker and easier for example I can now go fishing, catch a fish, take a photo of my fish with my phone and send that photo as a message to my friends so I can brag, or let them know we have fish for tea, most of this is done on touch screens which is quick and painless.

I think at this point in my life (thirty odd-ish) I need to keep up with IT as we saw in the you tube clip the IT world is moving at light speed and I feel that if I don’t keep up I will be left behind. So I think age can play a part in limitations, but in the same way it may limit it also drives might drive us to keep up. The age that children get mobile phones is dropping, and communication through text message is more popular, for parents or grandparents who want to keep in touch current mobile phones are easier to use, their predecessors where complex and to send a message you would have to enter main menus to find sub-menus such an old Motorola, nowadays we can touch the screen and then touch the send button as you would on the new i-phone. The main limitation I can see though is the want and need to keep learning about all the new IT that comes out. 

IT is used in many purposeful occupations around the world it tells us that we have brushed our teeth for two minutes (electric toothbrush), that our clothes are a minute from being dry (clothes dryer) let’s see mother nature predict that one, it gives us information that the road ahead is busy or there has being a crash (electronic road signs) and my favourite, it tells me where
the fish are with my fish finder.

In my time as a student on fieldwork in the Occupational Therapy practice I have seen many examples of IT being utilized. Right from the beginning of the day when the OT checks their appointments on their phone, this lets them know where they have to be, within seconds. They then use an I-pad to write memos on and set themselves reminders. The clients often use computers to address their needs, look up information or occupy their day. I also saw the way that a Nintendo Wii was used to not only bring motor skills into action but also to create a social environment.  

With the adoption of IT systems and tools there may be a few issues. The fact that a clients delicate information is put onto a device that can be lost means that great consideration needs to be taken as to what information is on these devices. That aside the OT will need training into operating the systems effectively, this takes time and money for the employer or service provider.

Information technology  can be used in many areas of OT, I can see that the development of IT is allowing for more devices to be used in the practice of Occupational Therapy for example in this youtube  clip you can see that the Nintendo Wii is being used to rehabilitate a wide range of people with different needs. And in this youtube clip we can see how IT has helped children with movement giving them joy and a better quality of life.

Knowledge of Information Technology is crucial when it comes to enabling people’s occupation. As seen in the fore mentioned youtube clips there are many devices that will benefit clients, understanding what devices there are for the client will help them in their occupations. IT will keep growing, talking with other practitioners will help us keep up with technology and get the best results for our clients.
All practitioners will record client’s information either written, audio or video. Clients should always give their consent if their information is recorded, they should also feel safe that their information is going to stay safe whilst in the practitioners care. Education into privacy and the internet systems should always be under taken by the practitioner so they are aware of the ways they can keep their and their clients information safe.

Collins dictionary(7th ed.). (2008). Glasgow, United Kingdom: HarperCollins Publishers.

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